Door County Veterans Mobilize to Honor Fallen Heros!

About Us 2007 Mission Statement Role Call ICS Basic Training Briefing 2007  Photo Gallery - A Salute to Legislature

Door County Veterans Headquarters Command

Dan Austed  AMVET Post 51

Peter Santner Commander    AMVET Post 51 Terry MacDonald Veteran Council  AMVET Post 51 Kenny Wendt   Veterans Council AMVET Post 51
Our business community is stepping up to the plate! Veterans are stepping up to the plate and donating their time and money to build a memorial to our "fallen heroes".  Let's join them....
Thank you Egg Harbor business community for your support of the Memorial to Door County Fallen Veterans!

Make checks payable to..

The Memorial to Door County Fallen Veterans Inc.,

P.O. Box 9

Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235.


    Veterans from VFW Posts #8337 and #9290, AMVET Post 51, and American Legion Post #527 joined forces to collect over $1,800 during Pumpkin Patch 2006.


Thank you county board for your support. Thanks to our business community a brigade of buckets are deployed throughout Door County! When you see one, thank the business owner for their support!
 Veterans, when you see your county board representative thank them for their support and encourage them to stay-the-course! No battle was ever won with the first round of ammunition!

Posts Mobilize Bucket Brigade: 

Click here for Marching Orders!

Click here for bucket handling protocols:

Role Call

Role Call Report!


Answers to frequently asked questions:

  • What legal entity is managing this project? Answer: The Memorial to Door County Fallen Veterans Inc. 141 North 4th Avenue, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
  • Where will the memorial be located? Answer: The memorial will be constructed on the site of the new Sturgeon Bay Government Center on the old high school property centrally located in downtown Surgeon Bay.
  • Where did this idea come from and who will it honor? Answer: The concept for the memorial was developed by fellow veteran 1st Sergeant Milton Schultise who passed away after he presented his vision for the memorial. The memorial will honor to date the 159 Door County veterans who died on active duty. Names will be inscribed on black granite plates and attached to the central obelisk. Those killed in action or deceased because of their wounds will be further recognized with a gold star next to their name.
  • How can I donate? Answer: Watch for buckets placed throughout the community or send your donation to: Memorial to Door County Fallen Veterans Inc., P.O. Box 9, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235.

How can I donate?  

Send check payable to..

The Memorial to     Door County Fallen Veterans Inc.,

P.O. Box 9, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235.


Remember our troops on active duty. Contact your post commander for information on the Blue Star - Gold Star Parent Banner program.  Click here...
Veterans are all urged to promote and participate in this effort. A select few of our finest have taken out personal loans to get this project off the ground with the hope their debt obligation will be eventually met by their fellow Vets. With over 3100 veterans in Door County, this should be a mission we can accomplish without casualties.
Click here to join a VFW post near you!  Click here to visit other VFW post sites!
Click here to join an American Legion post near you!
Click here to join an AMVET post near you!
Click here to join the Marine Corps League post near you!
Click here to join a Disabled American Veteran (DAV) post near you!
We all know of the stress the Iraq war is placing on our country specifically our National Guard, Coast Guard, and active military. As our solders deploy veterans will be needed to stand guard and mission ready to respond when our public sector professionals are overwhelmed or the scope of a crisis exceeds their ability to effectively respond. You are urged to join your Door County veteran post of choice serving. Click here to return to our websites "Headquarter Command!"

 Door County Veterans Headquarters Command