Post #8337
Liberty Grove, WI
Post #9290 Fish Creek, WI
#3088 Sturgeon Bay, WI
Post #51 Sturgeon Bay,
WI |
American Legion
Posts #527 Sister
Bay, WI |
American Legion
Posts #72 Sturgeon
Bay, WI |
American Legion
Posts #372 Maplewood,
American Legion
Posts #402 Washington
Island, WI |
Corp League
Sturgeon Bay, WI |
The first step in becoming "mission ready" is to learn as much as
you can about our Door County Emergency Government, Law Enforcement,
Fire Fighters, and Homeland Security Professionals. Learn what they are
doing, get to know them all, and get to know them KNOW.
For example,
click here to learn about our Door
County Emergency Services Committee... |
To learn about local VA Benefits go to:
www.co.door.wi.gov |
To learn about State VA Benefits go to:
To learn about Federal VA Benefits go to:
www.va.gov |
To keep on top of protection our nations
infrastructure, I recommend joining InfraGard, an FBI
public-to-private partnership formed in 1996. Go go:
http://www.infragard.net/ |
To keep up with terrorist alerts in
Wisconsin, join the Midwest Emergency Response network at:
https://mwern.usp3.org/ |
We need to come up with a system to track and
assemble our veterans on active duty, retired, and deceased.
To accomplish this mission we're creating a series of surveys and
web-driven log in forms. We're also working with any veteran supported
web site to include those at our Wisconsin Veteran Museum.
We encourage our schools, librarians, scout troops, clubs, churches,
retirement communities, etc. use and improve to web tools. If anyone has
a data base for cemeteries in Door County we'd like your support to
include a link to your online data. |
Five Year Mission Statement 9-11-02
to 9-11-07
Door County Veterans Stand
Guard at Deaths Door!
This site
continues to be
dedicated to all US military veterans standing guard, mission-ready to
protect and defend our homeland. Through this site, we'll recruit, enlist,
train, and deploy veterans at the local level anytime our county or community
stands in harms way. Through this site we'll form public-to-private
partnerships to combat terrorism, reinforce local law enforcement', fire
fighter', emergency government' and homeland security' first responders.
We'll offer basic training in incident command and control (ICS).
a veteran, always a veteran. It's in your blood 24/7, 365 days a
year to protect, defend, and come to the aide of anyone in harms
way. This site will help you to learn the Incident Command
System (ICS), communicate using "easy speak," manage response
and recovery assets during a crisis, and update your
contingency, event, and crisis management plans.
you're a veteran, I encourage you to join a veterans' post (VFW,
AMVETs, American Legion, Marine Corps League, etc.) near your
home and stand ready to deploy during the next natural disaster,
terrorist attack, pandemic, or large scale community crisis.
There are four American Legion posts in Door County (Post 72 in
Sturgeon Bay, Post 372 in Maplewood, Post 527 in Sister Bay, and
Post 402 on Washington Island), three Veteran of Foreign War
(VFW) posts (Liberty Grove Post 8337, Fish Creek Post 9290, and
Sturgeon Bay post 3088), one AMVET Post 51 in Sturgeon Bay, one
Marine Corp League Detachment 1130 in Sturgeon Bay and the
Cooties Post 43 in Sturgeon Bay.
A three
member "Veterans Commission" appointed by the Door County Board of
Supervisors hires a "Veteran's Service Officer" to administer veterans
affairs in Door County. There is also a "Veteran's Council" made up of
two representatives from each post.
and emergency response protocols taught through this
site compliment and reinforce those taught by your local
fire chief, law enforcement', and emergency government'
ICS instructors. Contact them for the latest ICS
protocols, NIMS updates, and Homeland Security
In a
"home-rule" society it's the local fire chief who's in
command during any community crisis. Invite him or her
to your next discussion on homeland security, natural
disasters, pandemics, or how to respond during a large
scale community crisis. |
Through this site we'll promote public-to-private partnerships
in the war on terrorism. In Wisconsin, we'll use this site as
"Role Call" site through which we'll track and support our
active duty solders, veterans attached to any veterans' post,
and those needing assistance during a community crisis.
"This site will always be under construction so please forgive
my very limited web design and maintenance skills. I was trained
to be an army grunt, not a computer geek!
Rich Woldt
Lifetime Member of VFW Post
Rich Woldt
Viet Nam 68 - 70Member:
VFW :Post 8337, AMVET Post 51, and
AL Post 527 |
Sam Needs YOU!
- Terrorists threaten our way of
- Columbine styled attacks
strike close to home!
- Tornados and wildfires are
annual events!
- We're not immune to pandemics!
- Children go missing, gangs
roam our back roads, crooks hide in our homes, drug dealers deal in
our orchards, drunks keep driving, pedophiles move into our county,
terrorist case our community, and every-once-and-a-while we blow up
a local landmark.
All veterans are urged to join a
veteran post near their home. To better protect and defend our homeland
while supporting our local emergency government, law enforcement, fire
fighters, active military, and homeland security professionals, we're
going to offer Incident Command and Control training to include "basic
training" in...
How to take command and control of
a crime scene until authorities arrive,
How to provide "appropriate first
aide for heart attacks and burn victims until the EMTs arrive,
How to provide protection
for terrorist targets during a parade or community festival,
How locate, lockdown, link, and
extracate a target during an attack,
How to conduct a bomb threat
assessment and search,
How to report suspicious activity
to proper authorities (i.e. through 911, InfraGard (FBI),
County Social Services, etc.),
And much, much, more!
To make sure you and your family are "mission-ready" before the
next community crisis, join the veteran post of your choice today!
Uncle Sam not only wants, he
needs you to help protect your homeland AND hometown! |
Click here to enter our "under
Role Call! |