You are invited to a Nick and Minnie Herbst - August and Bertha Woldt Family picnic at the ball park!

Descendents of: Valentine Herbst are invited by the descendents of Nick & Minnie (Lautenbach) Herbst, and August & Bertha Woldt to a...

 Softball Game and Family Reunion!

Where?  Bailey's Harbor Ballpark

When? 2 p.m. June 23, 2007!

Picnic Buffet served at 4 p.m. followed by a  Softball game with all descendents of Valentine and Anne E. Herbst which includes:

George Casper Herbst September 1, 1839 - March 9, 1907, Henry Herbst 1862 -1941, Elizabeth Herbst September 30, 1864 - September 1, 1901, Nick Herbst 1865 - January 13, 1916, Louis (Lutz) Herbst (birth and death unknown). If you look like a Herbst, married a Herbst, or just want to meet one of Valentine's descendents, show up at the ballpark around 5:30 p.m. We'll hold the Baseball draft at 5 p.m., game at 5:30!

Please note: Don't worry about when you show up. We'll eat until the food is gone and drink until the cows come home. Read the schedule, menu, and details below and study the pages of "begetting" we put together by clicking on the pages. At least 23% of what we wrote is accurate. If you want, bring digital pictures and we'll consolidate them into an electronic family album.   Thanks    Rich Woldt & Bill Becker

Attention! We know many might have to miss the reunion on the 23rd so on Sunday, July 1 we're going to try to meet at the Egg Harbor ballpark and watch the game between the Bailey's Harbor "A's" and the Egg Harbor "Indians!"  Hope you can make one of these family events!

Batter UP!    Rich Woldt & Bill Becker

Click here to read results and see who has responded so far...

To RSVP & Send Regrets Please... (Click here)

To download a poster to print and post at your local pub (Click Here) or  (Click Here) or  (here) for one in white! Or (here) or (here) for alternate posters or (here) for pdf.

You can mail your RSVP to: Bill Becker, 2476 County F, Baileys Harbor WI, 54 or...

Just call Bill Becker at 920-839-2834 or Rich Woldt 608-712-7880 and leave a message. We'll enter your RSVP for you.

click here if you want to read what others are going to do. Whether you're coming or not, please send us your memories, pictures, RSVP or Regrets.

We put together some family "begging" you can read on-line or download a word doc or pdf file!  Now enjoy reading about your relatives....

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Woldt Veterans

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The Schedule & Location

The Buffet Menu

The Suggest Price

Time: 2 to 7 p.m.


Bailey's Harbor Ball Park 

Picnic buffet served

4 to 5 p.m.

Softball "chose-your-relatives" Game

 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Dancing to the radio until dark

Valentine Herbst' Softball Game draft will be held at 5 p.m. Bring you glove and hat!

RSVP (click here) & sign-up for the draft!

No physical required or allowed!

Bring your glove and bat!



       Roasted Pig with potatoes  Prepared by Mark Sawyer

              Brats and Hotdogs        Prepared by Bill Becker and Rich Woldt

Salads with all the trimmings - prepared by Paul Larson

Deserts - To be decided

Assorted Vegetables and Finger Food

BYO Beer, Booze, Wine, and Soda

(Beer & Soda available at $1 per can) .

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to learn who beget who!


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We don't want anyone not to come because of the cost so our suggested donation to cover expenses is:

$5 for adults

$3 for Children

Children under 2 and adults over 80 free accompanied by "your" grandparents are free. Bring your own plates, utensils and lawn chairs. We'll have supplies available if you forget.

Please RSVP on line

 click here

or call Bill Becker at:

920-839-2834 or

Rich Woldt at:


That's Fritz, six from the left, back row, at what appear to be a Woldt' get-together a year or 50 ago!

I remember..  Dad, (Roland August Ernst "Fritz" Woldt), saying "Rich, if you want to marry a woman you're not related to, you'd better look south of the Sturgeon Bay bridge." I thought he was kidding but after checking our family tree I guess he wasn't. I  knew we were related to most bar owners in the county, because I grew up calling most of them Uncle Paul, Uncle Casey, Uncle Herman, Uncle Dick, etc. And Dad called the rest Cousin Ruthie, Cousin Larry, or Cousin in-law Earl or Lena or Carl. Dad was proud of being born in a backroom of the Sunrise bar in Jacksonport. Well you get the drift. Bill Becker and I have a ton of relatives so after discussing our shared heritage we decided it's time for another family reunion, and if possible a softball game. So we reserved the ballpark and sorted out the details to feed our branch of the clan and invite the rest to a late afternoon ball game. So...

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